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Carbon neutralization forces coal industry to improve quality and efficiency
Author:管理员    Published in:2021-08-02 16:02:00    Written words:【big】【medium】【small
Abstract:The carbon emissions from coal production and consumption account for 70% - 80% of China's total carbon emissions. It is a real major carbon emitter. Under the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, many people inside and......

       The carbon emissions from coal production and consumption account for 70% - 80% of China's total carbon emissions. It is a real major carbon emitter. Under the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization, many people inside and outside the industry are singing bad about coal. However, Xie Heping, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and President of the deep earth science and Green Energy Research Institute of Shenzhen University, clearly pointed out that China's resource endowment and the reality of economic and social development at this stage determine that China's economic and social development is still inseparable from coal in the short term. Moreover, even if carbon neutralization is fully realized, China still needs coal as power peak shaving, carbon reducing agent and bottom-up energy to ensure energy security. At that time, the consumption will still be maintained at about 1.2-1.5 billion tons / year. At the same time, China's coal industry still has many problems and has not achieved high-quality development. Carbon peak and carbon neutralization also provide a forced mechanism for the industry to improve quality and efficiency, creating time and space.

       Therefore, for the coal industry, carbon peak and carbon neutralization are not only arduous challenges, but also rare historical opportunities, that is, the opportunity to realize the high-quality development of coal, the opportunity to upgrade the high-tech industry of coal, and the opportunity for coal to seize the main position of new energy( Test article)


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